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Technology for Nature, Culture and Peace






The theme "Technology for Nature, Culture and Peace" is the same as last year's Vol. 1.
This year, some of the things we were unable to realize last year are gradually taking shape.

I hope that we can cherish each of our differences and make it a time that leads to "anyone can contribute to the future with the theme of Connecting”.


①ゲストによるスピーチと意見交換/Speeches by guests and exchange of opinions 

 ぜひディスカッションにお越しください/Please come to the discussion!


    /Pitches about the services and ideas you have thought of Those who are under 18 years old.

 ・18歳以下の方 / Those who are under 18 years old.  

   9/23 16:00〜

 ・事業として進めていかれる方 / For those who are going to promote it as a business

   9/24    17:00〜

​③会場でのアクティビティ/Activities at the venue


The theme of "Technology for Nature, Culture and Peace" is the same as last year's Vol. 1. This year, we have been able to realize some of the things we were unable to do last year.

​【昨年からの改良ポイント/ What has grown since last year's event】

海外との連/Cooperation with other countries

  エストニア/ Estonia 🇪🇪



   I’m working on arranging for those who wish to do so to have the opportunity to pitch in Estonia in November.

     Robotex International 


   Those who wish to do so will be able to participate in a robotics competition event in Estonia in November.  



  I continue to seek to deepen our ties with Estonia and to work with as many countries as possible. I look forward to your cooperation.


②会場での体験 / Experiences available at the venue

  魔法の学校 / School of Magic

  OriHime体験 / Experience with OriHime

  生成型AIと考える人 / Generative AI Prompts and Thinkers

  カードゲーム / card games. 

​会場 / Venue + Online


​Small Words Tokyo

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135-0063 東京都江東区有明1丁目3ー33 有明物流センター

Ariake Logistics Center, 1-3-33 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan

主要駅からの所時間 / Travel time from major stations

​・ゆりかもめ「有明テニスの森駅」 徒歩3分 

​・りんかい線「国際展示場駅」 徒歩9分

​・都バス 東16/都05-2「有明テニスの森」 徒歩3分

​・リムジンバス羽田空港線「有明ガーデン」 徒歩10分

​・TOKYO BRT国際展示場方面「有明テニスの森」 徒歩3分

・3 minutes walk from Ariake Tennis no Mori Station on the Yurikamome Line 

​・9 minutes walk from Kokusai-Tenjijo Sta. on Rinkai Line.

​・3 minutes walk from "Ariake Tennis no Mori" on Toei Bus East 16/To05-2.

​・10 minutes on foot from Ariake Garden Station on the Haneda Airport Limousine Bus Line.

​・10 min. walk from Ariake Garden on Limousine Bus Haneda Airport Line.

​・3 min. walk from Ariake Tennis no Mori on TOKYO BRT bound for Kokusai Tenjijo.


駐車場 / parking lot



There are several hourly rental parking lots in the neighborhood around the facility.

Please use those parking lots.



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108-0075 東京都港区港南2-14-14 品川インターシティフロント 6階

Shinagawa Intercity Front 6F, 2-14-14 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan

主要駅からの所要時間 / Travel time from major stations

・JR各線、京浜急行線 品川駅港南口(東口) 徒歩5分

・新幹線 品川駅北口あるいは南口 徒歩5分

・5 minutes walk from Konan Exit (East Exit) of Shinagawa Station on JR Lines or Keihin Kyuko Line

・5 minutes walk from North or South Exit of Shinagawa Station on Shinkansen Line.


ご登壇者・会場体験 / Speakers・Experience providers at the venue


We are very pleased to have the support of so many people this year.
Each section will have time for exchange of ideas after the speeches, so let's spend time together thinking about and creating what technology can do for nature, culture, and peace in the future!

​会場での体験 /Experience at the venue


魔法の学校 平沼 真吾さん
School of Magic
Shingo Hiranuma





Teacher of Wizarding school.

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OriHime 体験



Let's play with OriHime.

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魔法の学校 山本 敦也さん
School of Magic
Atuya Yamamoto



Mediafront Japan K.K.
Unity Designer​

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Card Game


Not that technology has anything to do with it, but please tell me if you find the card game I made in elementary school interesting!

​会場体験サポート / Supporting the Venue Experience


平本 雅則 さん
Masanori Hiramoto


ひととひとデザイン 創設者

まーちゃん楽校 創設者

IICF (International Coach Federation) Professional Certified Coach 

Founder of Hito to Hito Design

Founder of Ma-chan Gakko

​会場レポート / Report on the Venue


MC / フリーアナウンサー    

MC / Freelance Announcer

ご登壇者の皆様 / Speaker

2023 / 9 / 23

10:30  会場とアクティビティ紹
                               Introducing the venue and activities

11:00  教育とAI パネリストの話をきて意見交換をしてみましょう
                       Education and   AI  Listen to panelists and exchange opinions (Japanese language only)

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​デジタルハリウッド大学 教授 学長補佐 

Assistant to the President and Professor at Digital Hollywood Graduate University

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​未来教育デザイン 代表

Future Education Design   Representative,



Senior Business Development Manager, ELSA


京丹後市教育委員会 事務局主任兼指導主事​​

Kyotango City Board of Education 
Director of Bureau and supervisor of teachers



大阪府枚方市教育委員会 教育研修課 指導主事

関西英語授業研究会Harvest 北大阪支部 監事

Former Osaka Prefectural Public School Teacher

Osaka Prefecture Hirakata City Board of Education, Educational Training Division, supervisor of teachers

Kansai English Lesson Research Association "Harvest" North Osaka Branch, Auditor


つくば市立春日学園教育学校 教師

Tsukuba City Kasuga Gakuen School of Education Teacher


ミントフラッグ株式会社 代表取締役 COO 

mintflag, Inc. Representative Director and COO

13:00  会社員とカンボジア教育支援の両立と改善したいこと
       How she continued to work as a company employee and support education in Cambodia, and what she plans to do in the future.
Let's listen to Mr. Yano's story and think about it together!


ARUN LCC. Partne

IKure, Inc. Director

会社員を続けられながら、2005年からカンボジアの教育支援をライフワークとして続けて来られ、2014年からは投資プラットフォームARUN ,LLCのパートナーとして、発展途上国の社会的ベンチャーを支援、2015円からはカンボジアのキリロム工科大学の支援も開始されてきた矢野さん。支援を続け来られてきたからこそ感じる最近の課題について、みんなで解決方法を話し合えたらと思っています。

While continuing to work as an employee, Ms. Yano has made supporting education in Cambodia her life's work since 2005. As a partner of ARUN, LLC, an investment platform, she has been supporting social ventures in developing countries since 2014, and has also started supporting Kirirom Institute of Technology in Cambodia since 2015. Let's think together about the recent issues she feels because of her continuous support!

15:00  シェアという解決方法(オンラインご登壇)
                  Sharing as a Solution.   Let's listen and exchange ideas about the approach of sharing to social issues.

石山 アンジュさん.jpeg

一般社団法人シェアリングエコノミー協会 代表理事


Representative Director, Sharing Economy Association of JapanDigital Agency Sharing Economy Evangelist

16:00  18歳以下の方のアイデア発表(会場+オンライン)
                           Presentation of ideas by those under 18 years old. 

​アドバイザー / advisor

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Mari-Liis Lind

Vivita International CEO 兼  共同創業者

Vivita International CEO & Co-founder

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Nathan Metsala

Robotex International 代表

Rrepresentative of Robotex International

石山 アンジュさん.jpeg

石山 アンジュさん / Anju Ishiyama

一般社団法人シェアリングエコノミー協会 代表理事


Representative Director, Sharing Economy Association of JapanDigital Agency Sharing Economy Evangelist

​英語サポート / English Support




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18:00  高齢世代のデジタル改革とメロウ倶楽部について

                           About Digital Reform for Older Generations and the Mellow Club.  Let's listen to what you have to say and discuss what you can do!



IT Evangelist

2023 / 9 / 24

11:30  会場とアクティビティ紹介

13:00  地球に戻れる選択肢 - 宇宙の生活環境・人工重力設備
                           About Digital Reform for Older Generations and the Mellow Club.  Let's listen to what you have to say and discuss what you can do!


鹿島建設 イノベーション推進室 宇宙担当 担当部長

兼 京都大学大学院総合生存学館ソーシャルイノベーションセンター有人宇宙学研究センター SIC特任准教授

Deputy Senior Manager of the Innovation & Incubation Office at Kajima CorporationandSpecially Appointed Associate Professor at SIC Human Spaceology Center of Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)-Kyoto University

15:00  Roboex Internationalを通して実現したい未来
                 子供たちとロボット工学をつなぐRobotex International、お話を聞いて意見交換をしてみましょう
                           The future he wants to achieve through Roboex International. 
                              Robotex International connects children with robotics, listen to stories and exchange ideas with each other!

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Robotex International 代表

Rrepresentative of Robotex International

16:00  環境とクノロジー
                 ​ エネルギー問題や街づくりなどについてお話を聞いて、一緒に考えてみましょう!
                           Environment and Technology. Hear about energy issues and urban development, and think about the environmental and living issues together!


東京大学大学院工学系研究科 技術経営戦略学専攻 准教授

Associate Professor at the Department of Technology Management Strategy, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

17:00  ピッチ / Pitch

​    →改めて後日に開催をすることに変更をしました。

通訳の皆様 / Interpreter

2023 / 9 / 23



Adecco Group Japan CEO for one month 2023 日本代表

Students of International Christian University

Adecco Group Japan CEO for one month 2023 Japan Representative

2023 / 9 / 24



九州大学大学院人間環境学府 博士課程 都市設計研究室


Kyushu University Graduate School of Human Environment Doctoral Program Urban Design Laboratory 

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