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佐藤 昌宏 さん
Masahiro Sato

デジタルハリウッド大学 教授 学長補佐

Associate Professor, Department of Technology Management Strategy,

Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo










Assistant to the President, Professor, Digital Hollywood Graduate University President and Representative Director, Glonavi Inc. President, Council for Innovation in Education, Inc. Main Research Theme: Research and practice of cutting-edge trends in "EdTech 1992: Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT). 2002: Appointed as Executive Officer of Digital Hollywood Inc. Experienced the establishment of a school as one of the founding members of Japan's first joint-stock graduate school. 2004: Established GLO-NAVI Corporation, an e-learning system development business, and assumed the position of Representative Director. 2009: Director of the graduate school's administrative office and the center for industry-academia-government collaboration. 2017: Founded the Education Innovation Council, a general incorporated association, and became its representative director. Currently, he is a full-time professor and provides guidance to students. He is also a member of the Technology Innovation Working Group of the Education Revitalization Executive Council of the Cabinet Secretariat, the Acting Chairperson of the Study Group on Future Classrooms and EdTech of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and other national committees related to education reform, as well as an advisor to numerous entrepreneurs. He is the author of "EdTech will change the future of education" (Impress).

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平井 聡一郎 さん
Masahiro Sato

合同会社 未来教育デザイン 代表

Future Education Design, LLC Representative


茨城県公立小中学校の教員、総和町、茨城県教育委員会指導主事、筑西市立下館南中学校教頭、古河市立古河第五小学校校長、古河市教育委員会参事兼課長など33年間公務員として勤めた後、2017年より株式会社情報通信総合研究所特別研究員就任 。











He worked as a public servant for 33 years, including as a teacher at public elementary and junior high schools in Ibaraki Prefecture, Souwa Town, Ibaraki Prefectural Board of Education Chief Guidance Officer, Chikusei City Shimodate Minami Junior High School Head Teacher, Furukawa City Furukawa Fifth Elementary School Principal, and Furukawa City Board of Education Counselor and Section Chief.
He then became a special researcher at the Information and Communication Research Institute, Inc. in 2017.
In April 2021, he established a joint venture company, Future Education Design, and assumed the position of Representative Partner.

ICT advisor for Toda City, Saitama Prefecture; Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture; Shimonita Town, Gunma Prefecture; Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture; Yugawara Town; and Oguni Town, Yamagata Prefecture, in addition to serving as CIO for education in Minamimaki Village

ICT advisor for Hosen Gakuen Elementary School, Morimura Gakuen Elementary School, Gotemba Nishi High School, Hakuto Gakuin, Notre Dame Gakuin Elementary School

Part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Ibaraki University                  
Temporary member of Industrial Structure Council, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry        
Member of the Evaluation and Review Council for the Classroom of the Future, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry           
Member of Expert Council for Informatization of Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology                   
Advisor for ICT utilization education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology                   
Advisor for regional informatization, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications                      
WG Member, Digital Day Study Committee, Digital Agency


高橋 一也 さん
Kazuya Takahashi


Senior Business Development Manager, ELSA









After graduating from Keio University graduate school, he studied Instructional Design at the University of Georgia Graduate School of Education in the U.S. where he was elected to the National Honors Society.

After returning to Japan, he worked as an English teacher at Seigakuin Junior and Senior High School.

In 2016 he was the first Japanese to be named one of the 10 finalists for the Global Teacher Award. In 2018 he studied Cognitive Psychology at the Graduate School of Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

From 2016 to 2019, he served as the vice principal of Kogakuin University Junior and Senior High School.

From April 2021, in addition to his current position, he will also serve as a guest lecturer at Kanda University of International Studies, a researcher at the Shutoken Moshi Center, and an advisor to the Kyotango City Board of Education in Kyoto Prefecture and the Yuzawa City Board of Education in Akita Prefecture.

He is also currently enrolled in a doctoral course at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, where he is engaged in research on educational neuro science.


戸田 美保 さん
Miho Toda

京丹後市​教育委員会 事務局主任 兼 指導主事

Kyotango City Board of Education 
Director of Bureau and
supervisor of teachers


She is the chief and supervisor of teachers at the Kyotango City Board of Education office.

Kyotango City is located on the Tango Peninsula in northern Kyoto Prefecture and is blessed with sea, mountains, and villages. In addition to traditional industries such as hot springs and Tango chirimen, there are also agriculture, forestry, and fishery industries such as "Majin Gani" and "Kyo-Tango Pear," and the machinery and metal industry and tourism industry are newly developing in the area.

There is a lot of relationship between local people and students, and the Board of Education is also making various efforts..





山城 永倫美 さん
Mieri Yamashiro


大阪府枚方市教育委員会 教育研修課 指導主事

関西英語授業研究会Harvest 北大阪支部 監事

Former Osaka Prefectural Public School Teacher

Osaka Prefecture Hirakata City Board of Education, Educational Training Division, supervisor of teachers

Kansai English Lesson Research Association "Harvest" North Osaka Branch, Auditor


好きな言葉 は「0勝0敗より12勝14敗」



Favorite phrase: "12 wins 14 losses are better than 0 wins 0 losses."

She wants to be a challenger who continues to seek enjoyable things to maintain well-being every day.

She is constantly exploring how much can be achieved in public education.


藤原 晴佳 さん
Haruka  Fujiwara

つくば市立春日学園教育学校 教師​​

Tsukuba City Kasuga Gakuen School of Education Teacher




また、Apple Distinguished Educatorでもあり、ICT活用について様々な実践を行っている。

She works at Tsukuba City Kasuga Gakuen Compulsory Education School.She is in charge of programming and ICT education.

She is also an Apple Distinguished Educator and is involved in various initiatives on ICT utilization.


山中 裕斗 さん
Hiroto  Yamanaka

ミントフラッグ株式会社 代表取締役 COO 

mintflag, Inc. Representative Director and COO



14年より楽天に参画し、副社長直下にてグループ戦略、M &A等をリードした。






He started his career in Sony's Corporate Planning Department.
He was then transferred to Sony China, where he promoted reform projects in international taxation, SCM, etc., and received the Sony Activity Award.
During his assignment in China, he completed his EMBA from Peking University.
In 2014, he joined Rakuten, where he led group strategy, mergers and acquisitions, etc. directly under the vice president.
After leaving Rakuten Group, he moved to Mistletoe, a venture capital firm led by Taizo Son that aims to solve social issues, where he was responsible for investing in educational startups.
In 2018, he founded and became the president of Fun Fun Learning.
He has been in his current position since July 2023, when the company merged with MintFlag.
Struggling to create an environment where people can learn to speak English while living in Japan by combining the best of AI and humans.
Father of one child.

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