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若宮 正子 さん
Masako Wakamiya


IT Evangelist

・一般社団法人メロウ俱楽部 理事


・公益社団法人 NEXT VISION理事





・2017年 ゲームアプリ「hinadan」を公開。
・2018年 国連社会開発委員会のイベントで講演。
・2020年 国連人口基金のイベントで講演。
・2021年 台湾政府デジタル担当の政務委員(IT担当大臣)  オードリータンさんとのトークショー




「88歳、しあわせデジタル生活 もっと仲良くなるヒント、教えます」


Founder of ExcelArt, Inc.
Director of Mellow Club, a general incorporated association.
Teacher at Nekenchu Elementary School (Nekenchu Gakuen)
Director of NEXT VISION, a public interest incorporated association
Member of the Council for the Realization of the Digital Rural City State Concept hosted by Prime Minister Kishida
Member of the Digital Society Concept Council of the Digital Agency
Member of Advisory Board for Digital Utilization Support, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications


Born on April 19, 1935
After graduating from high school, worked at Mitsubishi Bank (now Mitsubishi UFJ Bank) until retirement.
∙ Taught himself to use computers at the age of 58.
In 2017, she released the game app "hinadan".
 She was invited to WWDC by the CEO of Apple Inc. in the U.S. for his work on "hinadan".
Since 2017, she has been a member of a number of government-sponsored conferences. 
In 2018, she spoke at a United Nations Commission for Social Development event.
In 2020, she spoke at a United Nations Population Fund event.
In 2021 Talk show with Ms. Audrey Tan, Political Affairs Commissioner for Digital (Minister of IT), Taiwanese government.

Become a different person than you were yesterday.
Happiness Digital Life at 88: Tips to Get Along Better.
and many others.

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