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大野 琢也 さん
Takuya Ono

鹿島建設 イノベーション推進室 宇宙担当 担当部長


有人宇宙学研究センター SIC特任准教授

Deputy Senior Manager of the Innovation & Incubation Office at Kajima Corporation

Specially Appointed Associate Professor at SIC Human Spaceology Center of Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS)-Kyoto University









1991 : Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University.

1993 : Graduate from M.S. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University.

        Joined Kajima Corporation, Design and Engineering General Division.
1997 : Transferred to the Architectural Design Department, Kansai Branch in Kajima Corporation.

2020〜 : Part-time lecturer at Kyoto University Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS).

2023 : Transferred to Kajima Corporation Incubation & Innovation Office in  as an outer space officer.

He has been interested in space habitation since elementary school and studied architectural design as a foundation. 

He believes that the problems of space habitation are that the low gravity makes it impossible for the body to return to Earth, and that birth and growth do not take place normally. 

He has been asking the world about his original architectural method of artificial gravity facilities through books, magazines, and lectures.

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