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矢野 理恵子 さん
Rieko Yano

ARUN LLC. (Partner)

iKure, Inc. (Director)



2005年にNPO法人World Assistance for Cambodiaの代表、バーナード クリッシャー氏との出会いを通じてカンボジアでの学校建設を決意。それ以降、カンボジアでの教育支援活動がライフワークとなる。

2014年からは投資プラットフォームARUN, LLCのパートナーとして、発展途上国の社会的ベンチャーを支援。


常にカンボジア人の自立を重視して活動している。 ARUNでの活動を通じて、インドの僻地でITを駆使した医療サービスを展開するiKureの創業者と出会う。





After graduating from Toritsu Nishi High School and Waseda University, I served in the Information Systems Division of Mitsubishi Corporation for 36 years, beginning in 1987, with stints in Shanghai and Jakarta. In April 2023, I transitioned to Fuji Die Co. Ltd., where I am now focused on driving digital transformation initiatives.

My journey of international volunteerism began in 1990, when I started assisting foreign diplomats in Japan with Japanese language practice during weekends. It was through this that I met a diplomat from the Cambodian embassy and learned about the devastating mass murders by the Khmer Rouge, where many lost their families.

In 2005, my path crossed with Mr. Bernard Krisher, the representative of the NPO, World Assistance for Cambodia. This encounter led me to commit to building my school in Cambodia, making educational support in the country my lifelong mission.

Since 2014, I've joined ARUN, LLC, an investment platform backing social business ventures in developing countries, as a Partner.

In 2015, I commenced support for the Kirirom Institute of Technology in Cambodia, always prioritizing the independence and empowerment of the Cambodian people in all my endeavors. Through activities at ARUN, I met the founder of iKure, an innovative enterprise delivering IT-driven medical services in remote areas of India.

In 2023, I assumed the role of Director at iKure, dedicating my efforts to expand their businesses, empower women in India's hinterlands and creating employment opportunities for them. ※ Originally, I am just an ordinary corporate employee. However, a serendipitous encounter with Cambodia led me to expand my efforts towards educational support in the country. I would be delighted to share this journey with you.



Originally, I am just an ordinary corporate employee. However, a serendipitous encounter with Cambodia led me to expand my efforts towards educational support in the country. I would be delighted to share this journey with you.

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