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平本 雅則さん
Masanori Hiramoto


ひととひとデザイン 創設者

​まーちゃん楽校 創設者

IICF (International Coach Federation) Professional Certified Coach 

Founder of Hito to Hito Design

Founder of Ma-chan Gakko

1988年 カルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブ(株)入社 直営事業部・人事役員等を経て教育専門会社を設立

1996年 世田谷区に研修施設として「蔦屋楽舎」を開校 コーチング研修を含み受講生は4000名を超える

2015年 海老名市立中央図書館館長代理 

2019年 フリーランスとして 「ひととひとデザイン」を設立 

2011年より東北震災支援をライフワークに 現在も釜石の子供達や南三陸町の仲間と交流


1988 Culture Convenience Club Co. 
   After working in the direct management division and as a personnel officer, established a company specializing in education.

1996 Opened Tsutaya Gakusha as a training facility in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, with more than 4,000 students, including those in coaching training

2015 Acting Director of Ebina City Central Library 

2019 Established "Hito to Hito Design" as a freelancer 

Since 2011, Tohoku disaster support has been her life's work. Still communicating with children in Kamaishi and friends in Minami-Sanriku

From 2019, organizes "Ma-chan Gakko" with Ms. Masako Wakamiya as advisor, with the theme of 100-year life period.

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